Terms and conditions of the IFI Audio Affiliate Program


Acceptance of the terms and conditions

By participating in the IFI Audio Affiliate Program, you agree to meet these terms and conditions. IFI Audio reserves the right to modify these terms at any time, and the modifications will immediately take effect after publication on the website.


Registration in the program

To participate in the IFI Audio Affiliate Program, you must complete the registration form on our website and be approved by IFI Audio. We reserve the right to reject participation for any reason.


Commissions and payments

IFI Audio will pay commissions to affiliates for sales generated through affiliate links. The commissions and payment methods will be established and communicated to affiliates regularly.


Use of affiliate links

Affiliates must use affiliate links provided by IFI Audio to receive sales commissions. The use of fraudulent or misleading methods to generate sales will not be allowed.


Affiliate responsibilities

Affiliates are responsible for promoting IFI Audio products ethically and complying with all applicable laws. Product promotion is not allowed through methods that violate intellectual property, privacy, or any other law.


Ethical use of the Affiliate Code

The use of your own affiliate code to make purchases or refer to yourself in our affiliate program is strictly prohibited. Any attempt to carry out this action will result in the immediate exclusion of the program without prior notification. This behavior is considered an abuse of the system and undermines the integrity of our affiliate program. Therefore, he is urged to use the affiliate code ethically and according to established policies.


Duration and termination

This agreement begins on the date of acceptance and will continue until it is completed by any of the parties. IFI Audio reserves the right to terminate the participation of an affiliate at any time for violation of these terms.


Intellectual property

Affiliates recognize that IFI Audio owns all intellectual property rights related to their products and brand. Affiliates cannot use the IFI Audio brand so that it causes confusion or devaluation of it.



Affiliates must maintain the confidentiality of any confidential information provided by IFI Audio and not disseminate it to third parties without authorization.


Applicable law

This agreement will be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Mexico without taking into account its conflicts of legal principles.

By participating in the IFI Audio Affiliate Program, you accept these terms and conditions.