¿Cómo hacer que los auriculares suenen más fuerte en tu iPhone, Android o PC?

How to make headphones sound louder on your iPhone, Android or PC?

Reading How to make headphones sound louder on your iPhone, Android or PC? 3 minutes Following Qobuz, NEO iDSD and iPurifiers...

How to make headphones sound louder on your iPhone, Android or PC? is a question we get asked all the time, here at iFi audio. To answer this, we have a range of products that easily solve the problem (and you can read about them later in this article), but first let's start by looking at the cause of the problem.

Why are headphones not loud on iPhone, Android or PC?

You have all the latest expensive gadgets, including powerful headphones and an iPhone, Android phone, or OC, and you expect better, louder sound. But, when you turn up the volume, it just doesn't get louder or better.

It's like asking someone on a bike to tow a van: there just isn't enough power and technology in some music devices to get the best out of decent headphones.

At iFi audio, we are experts in audio technology and understand the fundamental problem and how to address it.

The poor iPhone/PC are not up to the task for this type of task. Imagine asking a person with basic construction knowledge to build a house... Of course he won't do the job as well and efficiently as a specialist !

It's the same scenario when we try to do the same thing with the audio on our phones because while it may carry out task number 1 (below) quite well, it is a failure when it comes to tasks two and three. Let's take a closer look:

  1. Music streaming/storage: Spotify or MP3 files need to be played via phone/PC
  2. Convert the digital signal into sound waves, so that the human ear can listen to music.
  3. The sound waves must be amplified, because the phone/PC does not have the actual power to power the headphones.

So, what is the answer?

Playing louder, higher-quality music from headphones can only happen when your phone or PC streams through a digital-to-analog converter and headphone amplifier, also known as DAC amp.

At iFi audio we have a wide range of portable and desktop 'DACamps' ranging from $2,699 MXN to $29,999 MXN that cover all levels of music enthusiasts. 

With an iFi DACamp, simply plug your phone or PC into one end, headphones into the other. And voila! (just don't turn the volume knob to 11)

Check out some of the following DACs we have for all you audiophiles out there.

Zen Air DAC

Micro iDSD Signature

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