¿Cómo incorporar un DAC a tu sistema de audio en casa?

How to incorporate a DAC into your home audio system?

In this article we will explain how to build a basic audio system, an intermediate and an advanced one. If you are taking your first steps in the world of sound, you can't miss this guide.
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 How to incorporate a DAC into your home audio system?

When we venture in the field of sound and want to establish our first audio system, we are likely to be lost. The world known as "audiophile" turns out to be quite complex, both at the level of equipment and terminology. In addition, to enter the HIFI universe, it is essential to refine our auditory sense. Otherwise, we are likely not to perceive large differences between entry equipment and those high -end. Therefore, although we have economic resources, it is not wise to acquire the most expensive team from the beginning, because we will not be clear about what we really like.

To provide guidance, we have conceived this article in which we will explain how to build a basic audio system, an intermediate and an advanced one. That is, we will offer three proposals detailing the necessary devices, their specific function and even how to connect them to each other. If you are taking your first steps in the world of sound, you can't miss this guide.


Basic level audio system


IFI Audio Zen Stream + IFI Audio Zen can

Let's start with the basic level audio system. A recommended way to start in this area is with a system consisting of three main components: an integrated amplifier, a player and speakers. As the name implies, an integrated amplifier fuses the preampling and amplification stages in a single device, allowing the direct connection of the speakers and the player without the need to complicate with multiple devices.

Next to the integrated amplifier, a player will be required. The choice of the type of player depends on the favorite music format. If you have or plan to have an extensive collection of music in physical format (CD, SACD, etc.), a CD player or a multiformate player is recommended. On the other hand, if streaming music is preferred, the optimal would be to incorporate a streaming player compatible with the various services available in the current market. There is also the option to acquire an integrated amplifier that includes streaming functionality, since there are multiple proposals of this type in the market today.

And of course, we will require a pair of speakers to link them to the integrated amplifier, either by opting for shelf monitors or towers (this decision is at your discretion). Both speakers and player will connect directly to the integrated amplifier, which generally provides multiple entries for the connection of additional devices in the future.


Intermediate level audio system


IFI Audio Zen One Signature


Now let's move on to the intermediate level sound system. Naturally, we will incorporate some additional devices to those we already had. We start with an integrated amplifier, a player and a pair of speakers. Then, to configure our intermediate system, we will keep these three teams and add an external DAC and another type of player, in this case, a tornamese or tornamese.

In IFI Audio we have already explained what a DAC is and its function. The DAC turns the digital signal into analog so that it can be perceived by our ear. In other words, any digital music player must be equipped with an integrated DAC. In the context of our basic sound system, the DAC is present in the disc player we use.

However, as you will see throughout the article, configuring a more complex sound system involves separating the components and using specialized devices for specific functions. In our example, the CDS player (or any other digital player that we choose) will include a DAC, but this will never provide the same quality as an external DAC. Therefore, a logical step to improve our sound system is to incorporate an external DAC to our configuration.

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Why consider the inclusion of a toadiscos? Isn't it obsolete in the digital era? The truth is that it is not. There are many vinyl lovers who argue that "a vinyl sounds much better than any other format." Regardless of whether it is better or not, it is clear that vinyls have a distinctive sound. In fact, as we mentioned earlier, there are more and more users interested in these devices. It is only necessary to observe the wide variety of models available in specialized audio stores.

How do all these devices connect? First, if our integrated amplifier has a Phono input, we can connect the headdress directly to it. Otherwise, we will need to acquire a phono preampler to facilitate the connection. In fact, if the budget allows it, it would not be more to consider the acquisition of one, even if our integrated amplifier already has this entry. Once again, use a device specifically designed for that function probably gives us a higher sound quality.

We will connect the CDS player to the DAC using a digital coaxial cable, so that the DAC is in charge of converting the digital signal to analog. Then, the DAC output, which is done through an RCA connection, will connect it to the integrated amplifier, which will send the sound to the speakers. It is important to mention that it is not necessary to connect the tas to the DAC, since the headdresses work analogically and do not require additional conversion.

Advanced level audio system

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To achieve a more powerful sound system, we have two options: or replace the devices mentioned above by higher models, especially speakers, or again we opt for "separate" components, allowing each one to focus on a specific function.

In the advanced system, we would replace the amplifier composed of a preamplifier together with an amplifier. The amplifier can be stereo, or instead, we could choose two amplifiers, a less common option due to its high price, but very valid if we plan to use high -power speakers. These two components would be complemented with the DAC, thus forming the set composed of preampling + amplifier + Dac + speakers.

To complete this advanced audio system, it would only be to add the number of players we want or need. What do we mean by this? That we not only have the option of including a CDS and SACD player, a headdress (with its corresponding phono preampler) or a streamer. We can also add, for example, a cassette player, minidisc or even a reel to reel.


How do we make the connection between all these equipment? It is essential to understand that all players that use digital formats must be connected to the DAC. The DAC connects to the preamplifier, and the latter is linked to the amplifier, where the speakers are connected. As mentioned earlier, analog players, such as the headdresses, connect directly to the preampler.

Basically, these are the three audio systems that we can configure. As expected, within each of the mentioned components there are different quality ranges, ranging from economic devices to high -end that can reach very high prices. It is also important to consider the acquisition of adequate furniture to organize the devices, as well as accessories that can improve sound quality. In addition, wiring choice can vary from economic options to more expensive alternatives. However, this discussion remains at the choice of each user.

If you want to create your audio system, either from the most elementary to the most advanced, we have the ideal products to complement it. Next, we present our catalog: https://ifi-audio.com.mx/

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